Foot Launch Tandem Bar


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Running Tandem
High Attachment
Easy to Balance and hook up
  • Made of sturdy Chrome moly Steel with  Nylon straps.
  • Simply attach the rear shackles to the carabineer loops on the harness and you’re ready to go!
  • The U-shaped rigid frame keeps the passenger straight in front of the pilot.
  •  Tandem Bar includes a  Safety Strap that also attaches the pilot to the passenger. This is a feature made for  the unlikely possibility of a failure.
  •  Tandem Bar also includes  Steel Carabiners for the wing attachment and double  nylon straps for attaching a standard  harness to the front passenger position.
  • The unit is adjustable for different passenger weights by simply moving the hang point for the wing.
New Style makes passenger Adjustment Quick and simple